Barbe Rouge pellet T90 : ideal hops for a quality beer

Barbe Rouge pellet T90

110,00 € tax excl. 116,05 € tax incl.

Whether  tax excl. / KG

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Victim of his own success

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  • Shipping in France and Worldwide
  • Certification CD n°1850/2006

Bittering :  No

Aromatic :  Yes

Organic :  No

Hop type :  pellets45

Our expert advices on Barbe Rouge pellet T90

Hops is a minor agricultural product in France, and the number of chemical products is necessarily low. We also place an emphasis on biological control, especially for aphids and mildew.
The Comptoir Agricole has included a range of organic hops since September 2012, starting with Aramis and Brewers Gold. Organically grown hops of the Strisselspalt, Triskel, Tradition, Premiant, Sladek, Nugget varieties will also be available from 2013.
Luxflors International in Scharrachbergheim.
All the pellets sold by the Comptoir Agricole are available in pack sizes of 500g, 1kg and 5kgs (1.1 lbs, 2.2 lbs, and 11 lbs). Cones are available in 1kg or 4kg (2.2 lb or 8.8 lb) pack sizes. All the products have been packed in aluminum bags, and under modified atmosphere, to keep them fresh.
Au Fil Du Houblon is our newsletter. It is published irregularly, depending on the news that we have to share with you.
Our aim is the diversify the aromatic profiles available so that we can offer new creative possibilities to our brewer clients.
Most of the hops in Alsace in grown on soil that is rich in loess. The climate in spring in the region alternates between good levels of rainfall and mild temperatures, and the hot temperatures in the summer encourages the development of fine aromas in the hop cones.
The choice of the hop product used during the brewing process depends on each brewer. Extract is typically used for early hopping in commercial breweries, whereas cones are used during dry hopping.
The higher the alpha acid level of a hop variety, the lower the volume of that variety necessary to reach a given bitterness level in a beer brewed with it.
Alpha acid levels indicate the bittering capacity to the hop cone. Its concentration levels in the cones can vary from 2 to 20%.
Yes, both the hop products can be used, depending on the recipe recommended by the brewer.
A hop variety is chosen based on the aroma profile and bitterness that you would like your beer to have. The Comptoir Agricole site has lots of information on the profiles of its different hop varieties.
All the pest control products used are natural, and are based on plant and mineral extracts.
The Comptoir Agricole does not supply malt. We do recommend the Malterie Soufflet, or the Malterie du Chateau.
The Comptoire Agricole has several hop producing partners all across the world, and would be happy to be an intermediary for sourcing your hops from other countries.
Originally hops were used to preserve beer, thanks to the polyphenols present in the hops. A beer with sufficient levels of hops does not need additional preserving agents. Today, hops are used primarily for their aromatic and bittering properties.
Apart from its sedative properties, hops have anti-oxidant, antibiotic and estrogenic properties. All our hop cones can be used to make infusion tea.
It is not necessary to wash the hops before using them.
Hops are dried essentially to be able to package, preserve and transport them. Wet (undried, fresh) hops may be used, but in the hours immediately following the harvest.
The ideal storage temperature is 5°C (41°F)
Extract as much air as possible, and store the hops in the refrigerator. It is possible to freeze hops.
Absolutely not. The process for making hop pellets is the same as the process used for extraction: it is completely mechanical and natural.
For the Comptoir Agricole, "high quality" hops implies that the hop drying process has been carried out with care (not too dry so that the aromatic properties are intact, and not too humid to avoid early rotting); that the hops are disease-free; that the hops are clean; and that they have good color. Growers are paid based on how their harvests measure up to these quality criteria. Brewers have the right to expect that these standards are met. They are able to verify the quality of the hops in person by trying samples.
Alsace hops are distinguished by a high level of quality that is maintained through the production process. This results in an absence from disease and impurities, and ensures a carefully controlled drying process. The varieties express fine aromas which impart a distinctive character to the beers that are brewed using Alsace hops.
Hop cones are ground and then pressed into pellet form, without using any synthetic products.
CO2 Extract is a semi-liquid paste that is obtained by putting hops under pressure using carbon dioxide, which also acts as a natural solvent.
The hops that are sold by the Comptoir Agricole have been produced by members of the Cooperative, and are all grown in Alsace, unless otherwise indicated. The Comptoir Alsace may supply hop products that are not produced in Alsace. The packaging and documents accompanying these products clearly indicate their provenance.
Hop cones should be used in the harvest year, pellets can be used up to 3 years later if they are stored in refrigerated conditions, and extracts can be used up to 8 years after production if they are stored at temperatures between 0 and 5°C (32 and 41°F).
The site has been created for both commercial and amateur brewers.
The Type 90 pellet is made from dried hop cone powder. It is called "Type 90" because there is about 10% waste in the production process, from dried hops to pellets. In the Type 45 pellet, lupulin (alpha acids and essential oils) is concentrated to twice its level per volume. 1kg (2.2 lbs) of cones are used to make 0.5 kg (1.1 lbs) of pellets with the same levels of lupulin as 1 kg (2.2 lbs) of dried cones, and the process then also loses 10% during production, hence Type 45.
The Comptoir Agricole pays special attention to packaging. All the hop products are packed to protect them from exposure to light and to oxygen, and are stored in cool conditions.
Choose a multi-layered aluminum pack that will both protect the hops from exposure to light, and to oxygen.
Germany is the world's largest hops producer, with 17 000 hectares (42 000 acres), then the USA with 12000 hectares (30 000 acres). France grows 470 hectares (1161 acres) of hops in Alsace and in the Flanders region.
Apart from imparting aromas and bitterness, hops are used in beer brewing for their antiseptic properties. The polyphenols present in the hops help to clarify the brew by precipitating out the proteins. Hops also help with "head retention", or the length of time that a good mousse holds, and to protect the beer from light. These are the main reasons why hops are an essential ingredient in brewing beer.
In the northern hemisphere, the harvest season starts at the end of August for early harvest varieties, and goes through to the end of September for late harvest varieties.
The volume of hops required depends on the desired bitterness, on the alpha acid levels of the variety used and the timing of the hops addition in the brewing process. Our site has a calculator that indicates what volumes you would need, depending on the parameters you choose. Beers today typically have 4 gr Alpha/hl, which imparts bitterness, when hops are added early. Hops that are added late in the brewing process express aromas and can complement bitterness levels.
IBU or the International Bitter Unit, is the standard used by brewers to indicate the bitterness level of a beer. A Pils which has 30 to 40 IBU units, will have the same level of bitterness as an English Ale that is indicated with the same numbers. IPAs tend to try to break records with 60 to 100 IBUs. Nowadays, commercially produced beer in France rarely has IBU levels higher than 15.
Hops is absolutely necessary for brewing beer and cannot be replaced by a synthetic substitute or by another natural product. Once the beer is being brewed, one can, however, add different notes to the beer by adding a number of other products.
As soon as the organic version of hop variety becomes available, it is necessary to produce an organic beer using the hop with the organic variety.
Hop growers in Alsace supply all their harvests to the cooperative, which permits them to collectively have sufficient volumes to meet brewer client demands.
A number of brewers all across the world have shown their confidence in our Cooperative and in the quality of our hops. Needless to say, we are working hard to ensure their ongoing satisfaction with our products.
The Comptoir Agricole supplies organic hops, but doesn’t sell organic beer.
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